Monday, March 29, 2010

Trans-Mindanao Run/Hike (Day 3, March 29, 46 km)

I woke up feeling fresh and no muscle pain. I left Buda at 5:30 am and continued my trek in the Bukidnon highway. Along the way I saw a lot of homemade streamers with signs marking the 41st anniversary of the founding of the New People's Army (NPA). Some signs urge young people to join the NPA, others called for the advancement of the armed struggle and the revolution.
So on the day the revolutionary movement was celebrating the NPA anniversary, I was running/hiking for peace. I don't think the NPA will achieve victory. I don't think the government forces can eliminate the NPA. The only way is the way of peace. I pray that a time will come when the Government and the NDF will sign a peace agreement, then young people don't have to waste their lives in the battlefield. There must be a more creative and peaceful way of transforming society rather than relying on bloody mutual destruction.
There were lots of uphill hikes and downhill runs today. The most exhilerating was running down from the Overview at noontime. But by 2 pm the asphalt road was so hot that I had to walk on the unpaved shoulder of the road. With just 5 km to go before Quezon the rain finally came. I reached the parish rectory at 5:30 pm and was welcomed by Fr. Mindo. So far I have already covered 138 km on foot.

1 comment:

Blogger said...

Hello Fr. Picx.

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Loui Cabahug